Temescal FC-2000 Electron-beam Evaporator

From Wiki for UiB's NanoStructures Laboratory

Normal problems with the Temescal

TC pump wont turn on

If the TC pump is turned off it is most likly because the cryopump is too hot. Look at the stage two temperature on the pump (insert image). If it is above 20 Kelvin the TC can not be turned on. When this happens the system needs to be regenerated.

How to regenerate the system

  1. Go to system map on the Temescal computer(see File:Evaporation_computer.JPG).
  2. Press detail in the upper right corner(insert image).
  3. When detail is pressed click on the cryopump (insert image).
  4. In the menu that pops up press regen SC, this should start the regenration prosses. It will take around 6 hours to finish.
  5. To see that it finished look at the crypump again, the stage two temperature should be around 11 kelvin and the TC should be on.

Anything else?